Xcom 2 avatar project
Xcom 2 avatar project

xcom 2 avatar project

The Dark Event "Major Breakthrough" increases progress by 2.The Dark Event "Minor Breakthrough" increases progress by 1.

xcom 2 avatar project

These events will increase progress for the Avatar Project: Progress begins at 3 blocks and will gradually increase via various events.The Avatar Project may be delayed by inducing several decrease events, or permanently halted only through completion of the game. Once having started the Doom Countdown, reducing Doom Counter back to below 12 only pauses rather than resets the Doom Countdown. If progress is not reduced in that time, by any means, the aliens will complete the project and XCOM is permanently destroyed through unexplained circumstances. If all 12 blocks are completed, the Avatar Project enters its final stages, during which a Doom Countdown of fixed duration begins (24 days Rookie, 22.75 Veteran, 15 Commander, 27.33 Legend). The project's progress meter (also called the Doom Counter) appears as a red 12 block bar located at the top of the screen on the Geoscape. The Avatar Project is a key missions that determines the aliens' progress towards victory its completion means the end for XCOM. Should the Commander fail in this task, they will lose the game. In the story of XCOM 2, it is one of the Commander's primary objectives to discover what the project entails and prevent its completion. The Avatar Project is the main mission of ADVENT and The Elders during their presence on Earth.

Xcom 2 avatar project